Featured Customers
The work Lugoj Incorporated has performed for a number of companies was a vital contribution
to their success. We have contributed to the success of others and can do the same for you.
InterWorking Labs
For InterWorking Labs we extended their Maxwell product line
to include several hundred impairments to TCP headers, TCP connection setup and close sequences,
IPv4 headers, IPv6 headers, DHCP (v4 and v6) packets, and ICMP (v4 and v6) packets.
All work for IWL has been on fixed-bid and fixed-time contracts.
SchoRen NMS Solutions
For SchoRen we were called on to help correct issues with their
TrapServer product and also implement an extension called AreaViewer for displaying network element alarm status on
series of layered maps. All work for SchoRen has been on fixed-bid and fixed-time contracts.
The OASys Group
For The OASys Group we stepped in to take over development for a CMIP/GDMO agent
when a previous developer gave up on the project. As a result of our successful delivery,
OASys Group was able to deliver its TL1-to-CMIP/GDMO mediation product in time to
a major customer. This insured its position as a dependable vendor in the telecom management
space. Shortly afterward it was acquired by the network equipment company Cabletron.
Badger Technology
For Badger Technology we were brought in to
advise management on TMN and related
network management issues. Management realized some of their traditional
products were nearing the end of their market life, so they were trying to
determine which field of the
network management market to focus their development effort. As a result of that work,
Badger engaged us to design and develop the core software for a new
remote site network management and mediation product, known then as the
Data Acquisition Device.
This device eventually proved so successful in the
market that Applied Innovation bought many of the assets of Badger in order to acquire that product.
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