Our Advantage: Low Risk, Affordable Custom Software
Most software development consulting firms solicit for any and all work that they can lay
their hands on, whether or not they have the requisite domain expertise. By domain
expertise, we aren't referring to their knowledge of computer science, programming
languages, operating systems, and other software tools (which we take as a given), but
their understanding of the application to which the software is being applied. While we
are not above accepting work outside our usual areas of expertise, we focus primarily on
work where we have acquired domain expertise. This allows us to anticipate
requirements and to communicate better with our customers, to their benefit.
Custom software development is often a money sink, fraught with risk. Whether you
employ permanent programmers, or use short-term contractors or consultants, all insist
on being compensated for their time, not their results. That lowers their risk - at your
expense. Douglas Adams' aphorism, "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they
makes as they fly by," aptly expresses what happens to too many software development
projects. But it is no laughing matter when it is your company's resources, and perhaps
survival, at stake.
Software development has matured into an engineering discipline. It is possible to predict
within reasonable bounds the amount of effort any given project will require, so you
should be wary of anyone insisting it is impossible to quantify the effort. All of our
engineers have a decade or more of experience, and have a solid understanding of the software
engineering process. As a result, Lugoj is able and willing to be contractually
held to delivering custom software on time, on budget, and with a warranty against
Here is what you can expect when dealing with us:
Initial Free Consultation
First we will spend some time with you to establish the broad scope of the work you want
done. You will need to take this step whatever route you take toward development, so the
time spent is not wasted. We use this "high level" discussion to estimate how long it will
take to put together a detailed Requirements Document (a detailed description of
what the software is expected to do) and a Proposed Contract detailing delivery
schedule, the cost, and conditions for acceptance of the software.
Fixed Times and Prices for Deliverables
Working out satisfactory and affordable requirements in a reasonable amount of time is
the most difficult part of the process, and could require several iterations. Because it is so
difficult, many consulting firms charge for this portion on a time and materials basis. We
do not - we quote you a fixed price for delivery to you of the Requirements Document.
If you already have requirements worked out in satisfactory detail, then we will waive the
fee and deliver a Proposed Contract for the software project.
Keep in mind that the delivered Requirements Document serves as a basis for
competitive bidding - with our Proposed Contract serving as a benchmark to compare
other bids. With us, lowering your risk does not translate into higher cost!
Weekly Progress Reports and Feedback
We will provide weekly progress reports and source code snap shots at all development
milestones, and more frequently as needed. We will seek your feedback during the course
of the project and take corrective action as needed.
Our Work Comes With a Warranty
We provide a standard one-year warranty against defects in our deliverables. Longer
warranty periods may be negotiated. Obviously we cannot warrant against defects in third
party software, nor for any platform that was not indicated in the requirements. But we
will do our best to locate any deficiencies or incorrectly documented behavior in third
party software and attempt to either work around the issue or work out alternative
Naturally we perform regression and load tests at the unit and system level as part of our
quality assurance. Defects that cost you will cost us!
Pay Only on Acceptance of Deliverables
You pay only when you have evaluated and accepted delivery of the software according
to the contract. Should any disputes arise that cannot be resolved, a previously agreed
upon mediator will be employed.
You Own the Deliverables
You own all the deliverables. On occasion we may ask if we may license some piece of your project
that we are to deliver. But you own the intellectual property rights to the finished project.
Confidentiality and Non-disclosure
All work and discussions will be confidential, and we will execute the usual
confidentiality and non-disclosure agreements to protect your valuable trade secrets.